Pradal Serey, or Khmer Boxing, means "free fighting” in the Khmer language.

Since the first time I saw it I was always fascinated with SE Asian Kickboxing.
Watching these fighters using their elbows and knees was something I had never seen before. Time went by and eventually the UFC began. We watched as Jui Jitsu and later wrestling dominated the sport. As time went on more and more fighters were learning how to use there hands. For this fighters were told to learn Muay Thai and many of them came to Thailand to learn.

The reason the world calls this ancient sport Muay Thai is because the Thai people
were the first to market this style of fighting to the west. In fact this form of fighting has
its roots in the Khmer empire dating nearly 1000 years before Siam (Thailand) was even
a country. Starting with Bokator and later refined into a more condensed fighting style
Pradal Serey is the first place in the world where the fighters made effective use of
punches, kicks, elbows and knees.

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